PEGNet Best Practice Award 2015
For the seventh time the Best Practice Award was granted at the PEGNet Conference 2015 to a project that has achieved effective interaction between research and practice. This year, the collaboration between the Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Essen and the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB) of the Netherland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs won the award for the project: „Impact Evaluations of Access-to-Energy Interventions Supported by the Netherlands". Congratulations to Arjun Bedi, Michael Grimm, Lorenzo Pellegrini, Robert Sparrow and Luca Tasciotti (all Erasmus University Rotterdam), Gunther Bensch, Jörg Peters and Maximiliane Sievert (all Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung), Willem Cornelissen and Jolijn Engelbertink (all Policy and Operations Evaluation Department (IOB) of the Netherland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs )!