Beyond growth? Alternative models for economic development
The call for papers is closed!
A PEGNet/GIZ Initiative
Despite being far from new, current global challenges like the climate crisis, rising inequalities, or the loss of biodiversity make the debates on the ‘limits to growth’ and on sustainable transitions more relevant than ever. At the same time, questions of environmental justice are getting more important as climate change is strongly affecting developing countries. However, until now this debate on alternative economic models is mainly driven by scholars from the Global North and there is still a lack of implemented policies.
This leads, inter alia, to the following questions:
- How relevant are alternative economic models for the Global South?
- Can poverty reduction work without growth? How applicable are such models?
- Is sustainable, green growth possible (in developing countries)?
- What are the implications of the principle of common-but-differentiated responsibilities?
- What are the implications of gender, postcolonial, and environmental justice aspects on this debate?
- How can human needs and wellbeing for all be achieved within the planetary boundaries?
- How could these alternative models be implemented i.e., translated into policies?
This is why we invited contributions from economics and related social sciences on “Beyond growth? Alternative models for economic development” until 15 May 2022. We would like to thank all participants.