PEGNet Poster Award 2019
PEGNet Poster Award 2019
For the first time at the PEGNet conference, a poster award was granted to the three research posters that best responded to the following criteria: scientific quality, visualisation and legibility as well as presentation of results. The authors of the three winning posters were awarded with prize money of 500, 300 or 150 EUR, respectively. The poster exhibition, which was set up during both conference days, was followed by the poster session on Tuesday where all poster presenters had the chance to present their research through a little pitch. A committee consisting of researchers and practitioners from GIZ, KfW, ZEF, DIE, and IfW evaluated the submissions and granted the award to the following three posters:
1. Zain Chaudhry (Heidelberg University, Germany):
"Mobilizing Women Voters: Experimental Evidence from Pakistan"
2. Annet Adong (University of Bonn, Germany):
"Trust and Altruism when Exposed to Violent Conflict: Experimental Evidence from Refugee and Host Communities in Northern Uganda"
3. Muntaha Rakib (Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh):
"Impact of Interventions on Inducing Household Waste Segregation Behavior: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Sylhet City Corporation, Bangladesh"
Congratulations to the winners!